I am worried about the cost of travel for family and friends
If you are being taken to the hospital by family or friends, you may worry about their costs for fuel, parking or other charges. Find out more below.
Or take a step back to explore other travel and parking issues.
How can I help my family or friends save money on travel costs?
It may be that you could help pay towards any costs that your family or friends might be needing to cover, such as fuel or parking. This is a very personal decision and it might not feel appropriate to offer. You may not have money available for this, or your family or friends may decline.
There are options for saving money that you might want to share with your family or friends.
Fuel is expensive but there’s a handy list of tips on how to save fuel on Money Saving Expert which includes ways to make your car more efficient and a tool to find the cheapest fuel available.
Free or reduced parking
Some hospitals offer reduced or free parking if your baby is on the neonatal unit. You could try asking a member of staff on the unit - they will be used to these types of questions. If they don't know they may be able to suggest someone who might be able to help.
Some hospitals are not able to provide free or reduced parking. We understand it can feel very frustrating.
It also varies from each hospital so it is good to check if your baby moves to a different hospital.
Do you need help with something else?
I would like to talk to someone at Bliss
We are here to help you with emotional and practical support.
Get in touch at hello@bliss.org.uk
We are here Monday to Friday, except bank holidays.